In principio revolutionis indvstrialis machina erat


Prof.Dr. Genti Guxho


Graduated in 1992 at Polytechnic University of Tirana. 2002-2006 Postgraduate Study in Mechanical Engineering, Profile: Production – Management. Since 1992 lecturer at Textile Department (today Textile ad Fashion Department) in subjects: “Control of production and quality assurance”, “Technology and quality management”. Head of Textile Department 2001-2008 and 2012-2020. Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 2008-2014 and 2016-2020. 2014-2016 Vice Rector of Polytechnic University of Tirana. From 2020 Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at PUT

PhD thesis

“Assessment physical mechanical and chemical properties of proteinic fibres from Albanian breeds as a determinant factor of their technological potential” (2007)

Academic titles /scientific degree: Engineer (1992), Master 2nd level (2006), Doctor of Science (2007), Associate Professor (2010), Professor (2014).

Promoter of PhD Students

“The economizing raw material, time, energy in the industrial transition from prototype to finished product” in search of the scientific degree "Doctor"/Elmira Dumishllari /
“Fibre potential study used for technical textiles: (case study)” in search of the scientific degree "Doctor"/ Ilda Kola (Deromemaj)/
“Development of standard methods of investigation of textile structures through advanced analytical methods” FT-IR ATR, DSC, SEM-EDX” in search of the scientific degree "Doctor"/ Kreshnik Hakrama/

Author of books

2006 Textile Metrology
2007 Visual Dictionary (Albanian English Italian), group of collaborators
2008, 2009 Chemistry of textile fibbers
2008 Textile’ Measurement
2010 Industrial Technology 1 (Spinning)
2011 Science and Technology of textile materials
2012 Hemp or cannabis
2012 What you need to know about luxury fibres
2014 Technical textiles
2021 70th anniversary of Mechanical Engineering in Albania