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Albanian Alumni/ae of Mechanical Engineering (AIM)

On May 26, 2021, in the Great Hall of the Rectorate of Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania, a group of emeritus professors of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at PUT, organized, the first meeting of Alumni/ae association of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

A short presentation was made by the Dean of the Faculty Prof. Dr. Genti Guxho.

The meeting attended graduates in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, in the fields of business, pedagogy, politics, etc. In this meeting a provisional steering commission of AIM (Albanian Alumni/ae of Mechanical Engineering) with President Prof. Dr. Angjelin Shtjefni, was established.

The tasks of Steering Committee of AIM are to draft the statute / regulation of AIM and the organization of elections of its governing bodies.

Alumni Consociato Albaniae Mechanica Ipsum

Attached you can also find a file related to Albanian Alumni/ae of Mechanical Engineering Faculty: AME