Department of Mechanics
Head of the department: Prof. Dr. Odhisea Koça
The Department of Mechanics is an important constituent part of the FMI structure. It covers the basic training disciplines of the branches of FIM and other faculties of PUA and EEF and GMF as well as the specialized training disciplines that are included in the diploma curriculum that the Department directs and covers. Composition of the Department:
1. Prof.Dr. Odhisea Koça
2. Prof. As. Dr. Shpresa Caslli Tafaj
3. Dr. Leonard Çomeni
4. Prof. As. Koço Bode
5. Prof As. Dr. Dhimitraq Sotja
6. Dr. Koçi Doraci
7. M.Sc. Anis Sulejmani
8. MS.c. Anesti Nasi
9. M.Sc. Erjon Selmani
10. Msc. Mentor Çejku
11. Msc. Parid Milo
12. Lab. Redon Bytyci
The main part of the teaching activity of the Department consists on the coverage of basic training disciplines of students of Engineering branches in general and those of MIF in particular on the basic plan of Bachelor training such as Rational Mechanics, Technical Mechanics, Science of Construction, Applied Mechanics in Machines, Elements of Machines, Constructions of Vehicles, etc.
The department also offers following study programs:
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Profile "Machine Constructions and Mobile Vehicles"
Professional Master in Transport Engineering
The Department of Mechanics also offers short-term lifelong learning courses:
1. Auditor for Traffic and Moving Vehicles.
2. Traffic Management.
The teaching and scientific activity of the lectures of the department is organized according to the teaching plans approved by the department as well as according to their profiling and specialization and according to the respective fields within the groups of the department. The pedagogues are engaged in scientific work which are being assessed and evaluated in many publications in scientific journals inside and outside the country. The Department of Mechanics, with its academic staff, has a long experience in scientific research, by training in years experts in the fields it covers. The fields of research throughout the history of this department have been Mechanical Constructions and Numerical Methods in their calculation, Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, Applied Mechanics and Dynamics, Transport and mobile Vehicles.
Based on the experience accumulated in the department, the contribution of the department in the organization and implementation of the doctoral school at FIM, the numerous doctoral supervisions completed so far, the qualification and expertise of its academic staff, the Department of Mechanics considers as necessary the reorganization of research fields of the department for doctoral studies, grouping them into two main fields, with their sub-fields, as follows:
Field of Mechanical Structures and Structural Integrity Assessment
Field of Transport and Mobile Vehicles
The staff of the Department of Mechanics is equipped with the necessary qualification to conduct doctoral studies. The staff has participated in doctoral leadership and has organized conferences, workshops, seminars in relevant research fields. The expertise of the academic staff that will support the doctoral studies, is confirmed by the publications and studies conducted over the years, individual fields of their qualification.
In general, the academic staff owns a great experience in teaching and research. They have led various dissertations, studies, and projects in the field of Construction and Transport, have extensive publishing activities and scientific references at home and abroad. They have participated in the design and have been active in teaching in the postgraduate and doctoral school programs, as well as in the compilation of first, second, and third cycle study programs.
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